
How to effectively prevent the car paint to be oxidized

All the parts on the car can buy the original factory, only the paint does not have replaceability. According to experts, due to oxidation, the new car will gradually darken paint, it will result in serious paint cracking or even fall off. Through OBD Diagnostic Tool testing showed that: absolute coating products can be a long time to maintain the original color, completely blocked pollutants.

Paint can not avoid the threat of oxidation and weathering, the impact of car paint oxidation once caused it is difficult to easily remove. Polishing, polishing method for removing the oxide layer, the paint will cause a lot of wear and tear. Therefore, conservation of new cars from the start, the regular use of Launch X431 GDS or Launch X431 CResetter II tools to detect. To prevent paint oxidation, weathering, it must be isolated from the outside environment --- paint to prevent oxidation, barrier evaporate. Absolutely coating products are the most effective means to protect the paint against erosion, can long maintain the original paint color. Coating absolute advantage is reflected in the following four points:

First, Absolute coating can be performed at the same time in the beauty of the function of protection, completely blocked against the asphalt, acid rain, gum, pollen and other pollutants, prevent paint oxidation.

Secondly, the absolute coating can paint the mirror effect, delicate texture, bright shine on people.

Third, the paint coating products absolutely no secondary damage, curing just do surface protection film purification treatment, no secondary damage to the paintwork.

Finally, Absolute coating of the warranty period of 2 years or more.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/how-to-effectively-prevent-the-car-paint-to-be-oxidized/

