
Steyr 91 series heavy duty truck air filter maintenance guide

Steyr 91 series heavy-duty truck engine adopts a dry air filter. Hyundai increased use of paper air filter, high efficiency air filter paper, Auto Diagnostic Tool test data shows that only 0.1% to 0.3% transmittance of dust. Use paper air filter can reduce wear of the cylinder and piston, extending engine life. Should be used with care and attention to the following points:

(1) Master the characteristics of wd615 engine paper filter and cleaning method
This air filter, the outer filter element is treated with microporous filter paper, and the surface is treated by resin.. In the engine operation, the air filter through the microporous filter to the dust, ensure clean air into the turbocharger and then into the cylinder. Senior internal filter made of felt, a safety cartridge. In use, the filter will pick up around the outer layer of dust. Clean the air filter outside filter, not used water, oil, should prevent oil dip filter; commonly used method is to gently pat. Specifically: gently tap on the tire, beat the dust out, and then dried 0.4mpa the following air purge. When the purge should be blown inside out.

(2) Regular cleaning and replacement of filters
In Steyr 91 series of heavy-duty vehicles so that there shall maintain provisions for periodic air filter cleaning and replacement, in order to avoid excessive dust adhered to the filter, causing the intake resistance increases, reducing engine power and increased fuel consumption. Cars with 2000 ~ 4000km, air filter (inside and outside) clean, replace the filter at the outer 12000km, Launch X-431 PAD or Launch X431 Diagun III tool checks show that: in the best six months to replace the filter. If the filter is damaged should be replaced promptly.

(3) Installed correctly
In the inspection and maintenance of air filters, the seal on the filter pad must be installed well. Rubber gaskets easy to aging and deformation, the air is easy to flow through the gap from the seal, the dust into the cylinder. If the gasket aging, the best replacement of the air filter. External filter meshes such as rupture or the upper and lower end caps glued joints cracked should be replaced.

Dry air filter is passed through a dry filter, such as paper filter, the air impurities in the filter. Light vehicles (including cars, mini-cars) is generally used as a single-stage air filter. Its oval or elliptical shape and flatbed. The filter material is filter paper or nonwoven fabric. Filter cover with metal or polyurethane, the shell material is a metal or plastic. At rated air volume flow, original filtration efficiency filter should not be less than 99.5%.

Heavy duty vehicle due to poor working conditions, it must be more than one air filter. The first stage cyclone pre-filter (such as a blade ring, swirl tubes, etc.), used to filter impurities coarse particles, filtration efficiency above 80%, the second stage fine filter is a porous paper filter (commonly referred to as primary filter), the filtration efficiency of 99.5%. after the main filter element and a security filter, its role is in the installation and replacement of the main filter element, or in the main filter accidental damage, to prevent dust from entering the engine, you can regularly for the use of Xtool PS2 or Autel Maxidiag Elite MD703 tools to check the engine performance, the core material more secure non-woven fabric, but also the use of filter paper.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/steyr-91-series-heavy-duty-truck-air-filter-maintenance-guide/

