
Three common problems that should be paid attention to in the summer driving

Prevention tire: tire pressure down promptly repair
The hot summer is high season car tire. Due to the high temperatures, low quality or if the tire itself tire pressure is too high, the tire after gas expansion will lead to a puncture. Therefore, we recommend that owners will be tire reduced by 10%, adjusted to 2.2 kpa.

Owners should pay more attention this season on tire maintenance, if damage is discovered, it should be promptly repaired or replaced. If you have patched the tire, it is best to put the rear wheels or as a spare tire. In addition, particular attention not to let the summer tires collision obstacle, because it is easy to make the tire sidewall injuries caused problems.

Reminder: If the tire which occurs in the driving, the driver applied the hand tightly control the steering wheel, slow step on the brake, the vehicle smooth deceleration stop. Do not be an emergency brake, because it is easy to cause the flick even rollover.

Water temperature exceeded: Timely parking thermal cooling
Summer car drivers who not only baked, vehicles will be unable to withstand high temperatures, excessive water temperature is relatively common, even "boil" boiling. Summer car owners should always pay attention to see when the water table, look at whether the water tank.

Driving, if you find the water table pointer nearing the red line, it should reduce the speed as soon as the car drove into a cool place to stop. To avoid engine damage, do not immediately turn off after stopping, but should let the engine idle for a period of time before.

If the water temperature is still not fall down, you should turn off the car, check the engine coolant. But be careful not to open the radiator cap immediately, otherwise it is easy to steam burns. If it is because of lack of coolant, it would first make up.

Reminder: If the water temperature is too high the phenomenon, do not let the car on long journeys, because for a long time with a lot of damage to the engine water temperature is not under normal circumstances; do not slow down especially not choose congested roads.

Auto ignition: Reducing modified periodically check
Prevent the car ignition; the most basic method is to periodically do maintenance to the car, check the engine, and an oil circuit, to see whether the aging and oil spills. Do not store in a non-standard vehicle repair or modification, because of some wrong operation of Luanda wires, easy to friction is not effective at a fixed, will be dangerous.

If the modified car, especially lights, sound, etc., should be comprehensive examination. In the hot summer, do not lighters, fragrances, air fresheners and other flammable items placed under prolonged exposure to high temperatures inside the car to avoid swelling caused by physical explosion sparking spontaneous combustion; After a long journey, it should be appropriate to let the car rest what to avoid overload.

When driving, vehicle owners should be aware of signs of spontaneous combustion, such as an odor, abnormal sound or vehicle electrical malfunction and so on.

Reminder: The best car standing on a fire extinguisher. Once spontaneous combustion, the first car in the right place few people pull over, turn off the heat, remove the fire extinguisher, look for fire points to the part of the cooling tank and burning fire to avoid explosion.

Here we recommend some OBD diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 Diagun III, Launch X431 Pro3, Launch X431 IV, Autel MaxiDas DS708 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/three-common-problems-that-should-be-paid-attention-to-in-the-summer-driving/


Automotive air FAQs - 4 Tips

Still smell the air cleaning
Performance: "I'll wash myself before coming once every summer air conditioning is the fear of unpleasant smell, but not for a long time after this cleaning, find air conditioning or smell, air conditioning useless for a long time, is it going to change?"

Diagnosis: "odor generation, mostly due to the accumulation of air conditioning condensate pipe, forming a dark and humid environment, making the mold reproduction, light cleaning is palliative approach should find the problem from everyday driving habits." service department official said, a lot of people used to wait for parking was off the air conditioner, this will cause condensation deposition in the pipeline, the condensed water and airborne dust debris attached to the evaporator surface together will breed a lot of bacteria, with the wind blowing contaminated air-conditioning throughout the interior air. Therefore, the best in destination thirty-five minutes before switching off the air conditioning compressor, the fan idling, due to increase air flow, parking in front of the temperature rise inside the air conditioning ducts in order to reduce the generation of condensate, dry air-conditioning system.

Air conditioning and refrigeration effect is reduced
Performance: "There never used air conditioning six months, the weather is hot every day, every time after the start of air conditioners, will be long before refrigeration and cooling effect simply is not obvious, and there is no air conditioning around the abnormal situation, is a quick return thing? "

Diagnosis: For Nissan owners Wong this doubt, Nissan shop service manager said that some vehicle air conditioning deactivated after nearly six months, the refrigerant may have leaked, need to replenish, repair shop owners to repair the same time, remember to remind people not to forget to clean the repair evaporator and air conditioning filter, clogging them will affect the cooling effect.

After the air conditioning abnormal noise starts
Performance: "I opened the air conditioning, the air conditioning vent given the slightest sounds, there are what look was not any average every few minutes, this is what happens?"

Diagnosis: air conditioning abnormal sound is generally abnormal sound air-conditioning compressor, air conditioning compressor can feel it in the vicinity of the sound. Such abnormal sound is generally due to the refrigerant composition of air and water caused by doping. If the situation remains the same after adding refrigerant, which is located near the compressor abnormal sound position, then the compressor internal mechanical structure damage greater chance; If abnormal sound relapse after a period of time, and is located inside the center console, then dried to reduce the chance of bottles efficiency larger. After successive investigation, find the key issues in order to remedy.

Open air car difficult to mobilize
Performance: "My car displacement of only 1.3L, usually I do not gnaw with air conditioning, two days before the main is too hot, put the air conditioning turned on, I think after the open, the car is difficult to start than usual, why?"

Diagnosis: "Engine load is too large, you should first open air outside the loop" This is Ford Hunan Freshwater shop service personnel given an explanation. It is particularly worth mentioning is that if the car just after launch, immediately start the air conditioning, air conditioning maintenance practice is taboo, not only cannot play the role of rapid cooling, but also has a lot of damage to the air conditioning? According to reports, a car parked in the sun, the temperature inside the vehicle may be up to sixty to seventy degrees, you should first car windows and doors, and etc. twenty-three minutes before the heat is discharged into the launch vehicle. While the first open air outside the circle, to be close to the temperature inside and outside, and then close the window, the use of the loop. Under normal circumstances every 5,000 km or three months on the air conditioning filter cleaning once or 12 months to replace air conditioning filters every 20,000 km. This will ensure that you can enjoy the fresh clean car interior environment to ensure good health.

Here we recommend some auto diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 GDS, Launch X-431 PAD, Autel MaxiSys MS908, Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/automotive-air-faqs-4-tips/


8 phenomenon show car failure

1, leakage
Leakage refers to the automobile engine fuel, lubricating oil (or gear oil), brake fluid (or air) and power steering fluid leakage, etc. It is also apparent failure symptoms, careful observation can be found. For example the compressed air leaks, leakage can clearly hear the sound.

2, excessive consumption of fuel and lubricating
Excessive consumption of fuel and lubricants indicated that the situation has deteriorated automotive technology and has produced a fault.

3, abnormal noise
Abnormal sounds occur in the process of moving the car, the car fault "alarm." Sudden abnormal sound in motion, as the car driver should be aware of a problem, you should immediately stop checks, must not let the vehicle "sick to work".

4, the working conditions mutation
Mutations in the so-called working conditions, working conditions means the car suddenly appeared abnormal phenomenon, which are more common failure symptoms. For example: difficulty in starting the engine suddenly stalled again, cannot even start; engine in motion a sudden drop in power, with weakness; moving suddenly deviation, even as the failure. Symptoms of this failure is obvious, it is easy to detect.

5, the exhaust smoke color is not normal
Engine operation, the main component of the normal products of combustion is carbon dioxide and a small amount should be water vapor. If abnormal combustion engine, the exhaust gas will be mixed with the incomplete combustion of carbon particulates, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and the amount of water vapor. In addition, nitrogen oxides, etc., then the exhaust color may black, blue or white, that exhaust smoke color is not normal. For gasoline, the normal exhaust should be no noticeable smoke. But oil upward cylinder, exhaust blue; incomplete combustion, exhaust was black, oil mixed with water, exhaust white.

6, from overheating
Usually appear on the engine, transmission, drive axle final drive, differential and brakes assembly. For example, engine overheating, mostly for cooling problems, lack of coolant or pump is not working; transmission and drive axle to overheat, mostly due to lack of oil; brakes overheated brake shoe mostly caused no return. The above phenomena can sometimes be a direct reflection of the dashboard warning lights out when needed to observe the driver to drive; you can manually test surface temperature.

7, automotive appearance abnormal
Car parked on a flat site, check appearance condition, if any horizontal or vertical skew phenomenon, namely the appearance of anomalies. The reason is multi-frame, body, suspension, tires, etc. fails, this will cause instability when traveling direction, deviation, weight transfer and wheels "eat tires" and other failures.

8, with special odor
The car is running, if the brake dragging clutch slip fault, will emit friction plate of burnt; engine overheating, while channeling oil cylinder combustion, will diverge issued a special odor; short circuit, grounding there will be coke burnt wire smell when burned.

Here we recommend some OBD diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 IV, Launch X431 V Pro, Autel MaxiScan VAG405, Autel MaxiScan JP701 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/8-phenomenon-show-car-failure/


4 Steps To Check Your Car Wear

1. See. Carefully observe the degree of wear of the tire, so, before and after the tire treads are unilateral wear, which is often caused by the bumpy road, through four wheels locating detection. In addition, pay attention to the removal of foreign bodies in the tire tread of the tire transposition or measurement of dynamic balance when necessary.

2. Compare, engine oil and water cooling fluid examination to normal contrast before travel. Determine how much oil volume of reading levels on the dipstick. There is a coolant tank is transparent in the engine room. As long as the observation of the height of the liquid level can know how much cools liquid. Also need to check the battery electrolyte. Through the graduation battery side can understand the battery electrolyte is missing.

Add the oil, liquid can be yourself, but add engine oil must be cautious, in strict accordance with the series manufacturers designated; coolant antifreeze should also be as specified; battery electrolyte must be pure distilled water.

3. Touch. If the brakes are metal scream, it must consider the brake disc is subject to wear. The car stopped flameout pull the handbrake on tire steel ring hole, with a finger touch feeling is longitudinal, trench. If have, should stand a comprehensive inspection of the brake system in time to repair.

4. Wipe. Carefully check the body paint. For the exposed primer body can wipe some nail polish, to prevent the corrosion and rust. This work should be carried out in a thorough cleaning vehicle.

Your vehicle needs attention and care. When searching for quality repair services, go to the vehicle shops first to check on their professionalism, reliability, hygiene. Employing a professional auto diagnostic tool for vehicle repair and maintenance will help you steer clear of the complete breakdowns and cut the repair cost.

Some car diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 Diagun III, Launch X431 Pro3, Autel MaxiDas DS708 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/4-steps-to-check-your-car-wear/


6 steps maintaining your car after the rain

The first step to check the circuit
Because many irrigations rain will performance cars might have an impact on some parts, lead to serious car not normally open. After the water is likely to cause a short circuit, if you cannot turn off the road in the ignition to start the engine again, or they may easily cause engine scrapped. If wading, then promptly after the adoption of the circuit device processing, you can use non-fibrous tissue and textiles will dry the circuit 11, re-start.

Also, check the brake system is also very important.
Because of the braking system has a very strong adhesive force, the rain is very easy to enter the brake fluid, it will affect the braking effect, may cause serious brake failure, recommendations rain to a professional auto repair shop to be checked, to prevent future trouble.

The second step is the conservation of the chassis
Summer temperatures are high, coupled with the rain hit, chassis vulnerable, gas, dust, noise, moisture will penetrate the body from tiny holes in the chassis, so that the body rust, flaking. So you want to do some maintenance work on the chassis after heavy rain.

In addition to the simple and clean, "sealed plastic chassis" is also a good choice. It enables the chassis and isolated, to corrosion, rust, soundproof function and prolong the life of the body. "Sealed plastic chassis" to use special detergent before removing the chassis attached to the asphalt, oil, and dry, any dirt will affect the firm's degree of plastic closures. Before sealing plastic, but also part of the heat transmission, exhaust system are blocked, so as not to affect the normal operation of these sealed plastic components.

Step third Check headlight
Easily lead headlights rain water. After the headlight brightness will be affected water, water may damage many headlamps, the lights also make changes happen irradiation direction to traffic safety and security. Therefore, the water is very important to check the headlights.

If you find a mist in the headlights, and the high beam headlamps can be opened also opened ten minutes to see if the lights inside the mist began to disappear, whether we can completely disappear after one hour, if you do not have to worry about the disappearance of the but if there is fog, it is necessary to professional service station handled.

The fourth step in the car dehumidification
In fact, dehumidification work should be done when it rains. Should open the cold when it rains, it can not only remove the fog, as well as dehumidification function. The rain stopped even have to pay attention, to get rid of as soon as possible the accumulation of moisture or prone to mildew and other conditions. In addition to air conditioners dehumidify the car, the best dehumidifier to buy a simple box, so that after the car parts are not easy to damp overnight. Another roll of toilet paper placed inside the vehicle also has the effect of dehumidification.

In addition to welding and rain doors welded body part susceptible to rust corrosion, internal door hinges, lock and other iron parts are covered by the door trim, but also easy to damp, so the weather was fine when the owners can find a shady place, all the doors and trunk lid fully open, so that the car's exhaust moisture, ventilation, and then the car floor mats, seat covers removed, rinse dry.

The fifth step the inside vehicle sterilization
Summer temperatures due to factors such as rain relatively easy to breed a variety of bacteria so the interior space for disinfection sterilization is particularly important. Clean place emphasis should be seats, air conditioning vent, in the control panel and around a corner. You can use a professional car interior cleaner, wipe with a dry cloth.

Clean the center console when the cleaner to prevent infiltration of CD, speakers, radios and other electrical equipment corrosion of electrical components.

The Six step clean appearance
Car as it were, after the rain do not bother to wash oh, otherwise it will seriously affect the personal image. In fact, the problem is not only a personal image, rainy day outside in addition to sewage and sludge, acid rain also contains a substance on the body and the paint has a serious injury, if not promptly treated, over time, the body will lose their luster in turn affect the appearance.

Want to prevent acid rain damage to the body, the most simple and effective method is waxing, and want to achieve a very lasting effect that will have to be sealed to protect the glaze, both to prevent paint fade aging, and thus protect the paint from injury.

Some OBD diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X431 IV, Launch X-431 PAD, Autel MaxiSys MS908 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/6-steps-maintaining-your-car-after-the-rain/


4 Common Car Maintenance Mistakes

Myth one: the warranty period length = lower cost
Many owners believe that car manufacturers extended warranty period, their car costs will be significantly reduced, but in fact, the warranty is like insurance, there is a problem only when the car that he can get the benefits brought by this policy. Of course, power train maintenance costs are very expensive, usually, the cost of a car power train system to account for 35% -40% of vehicle costs. Therefore, power train systems need to be replaced soon would be great for consumers to spend. Extended warranty period, no doubt to avoid the risk of consumers themselves such a huge overhead.

In fact, the main purpose is to extend the warranty period to develop good guide owners regularly scheduled Cheng conservation habits to guide owners through professional conservation in the 4S shop, will be maintained better condition, until the owners transfer, will find its residual car increase the value, much better than spending during curing, in fact, this is the real protection of the interests of consumers.

Myth two: Maintenance seat of your pants do not follow the periodic table
Each car will be given when the owner of a maintenance of the periodic table, was told to do what at what time of the maintenance, but most owners driving on, as long as you feel good, not out what problems will gradually put in back of the head; another part of the owner is out of the previous driving experience, self shorten maintenance mileage, such as the maintenance requirement is 8000 km, then he put the car in the 6000 km when open to the 4S shop; or not to the maintenance time to 4S shop maintenance, the result is more money. In fact, does not the more the better ground vehicle maintenance, mileage specified by the manufacturer is based on the performance of full understand of the body, and thus only the best data set.

Myth three: do not go over the warranty period 4S shop
Vehicle about two years, this car is the best condition when the state of the body at this time to reach various parts of the ideal state, how to make this state continue? Rely on the professional conservation 4S shop: a long drive regularly scheduled maintenance, the use of original oil and accessories will naturally extend the useful life of the car. Reporters have done more, the same two opened a five-year car, a 4S shop has been doing maintenance, the other one in the first 2 years after the end of the warranty period do not go to the 4S shop maintenance, condition is different, open up the car think it is two generations.

Myth fore: manufacturers do not warranty consumables
Currently most of the manufacturers don’t have warranty of consumables. In fact, this type of accessories if you really have quality problems, usually in the 2000-3000km affirmative exposed, not a problem if used 5000 km theoretically would not be a problem, unless you use improper methods. Therefore, the manufacturers to give three months or 5,000 km warranty actually buy an insurance policy for consumers, eliminating the owner's worries.

Some OBD diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 Pro3, Launch X431 V Pro, Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/4-common-car-maintenance-mistakes/


Seven great advice of Automotive Engineers

1. The correct oil, the use of clean fuel.

2. Vehicles will be in time scrapped and updates.

3. Does not change the vehicle and cause chaos emissions exception.

4. The normal use of the car, don't the degree of speeding, overloading, avoid rapid acceleration, constant speed driving as much as possible.

5. Periodic maintenance. It turns out that the car maintenance car emissions quality is very important. Some car factory emissions when qualified, but the course will appear this kind of problem that requires maintenance; make their car in a good running condition. Maintenance is not timely; it will result in high emissions due to more pollution. Such as: ground investigation automotive ignition systems, to detect leaks, check the choke, check the air ducts, use a clean filter, avoiding the burning of oil, avoid the use of low-grade lubricants.

OBD2 Code system malfunction repaired promptly. Vehicle inspection once a year for automobile emissions control role is limited. But after installing the OBD car is completely different, and it can always monitor the emission levels of vehicles. Once released, if not standard, OBD warning will be issued promptly notify the driver to repair. Euro Ⅲ most critical is to use OBD.

6. Select the "green tire". The so-called "green tire" also known as environmental tire or low pollution tires.

"Green" mainly kept in the case when a good grip without losing its original performance, lower tire rolling resistance, thereby reducing fuel consumption and vehicle emissions, effectively protect the environment. Back in the 1990s, tire engineers discovered that if you use special treatment to replace the traditional carbon black, silica tread rubber as a reinforcing material can not only reduce carbon black in tires and carcinogenic aromatic oils contaminated by tire wear air, and tire rolling resistance also become smaller, lower fuel consumption, emissions reduction, and greater environmental effects.

7. To reduce vehicle pollution. Do not be free to interior decoration; not inferior car perfume or air freshener; encountered serious traffic jam, or follow the vehicle exhaust emissions may be excessive, you should close the window, the air conditioner, heater switch to the car from the circulation patterns; regularly check the engine cover and chassis leaks when there is gas leak found in the car, not the open air, not to sleep in the open air car, to avoid danger.

When using the air conditioning will be sucked into a lot of dust, the formation of dirt, over time, mildew, and then distribute to the car through the air conditioning in the car easily inhaled, every once in a while, the air conditioner to maximum block, blowing on half an hour can effectively prevent dust accumulation; note near the mouth of the intake items removed to ensure normal air circulation and so on.

Some vehicle diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X431 V Pro, Launch X431 Pro3, Autel MaxiSys MS908 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/seven-great-advice-of-automotive-engineers/


Best 4 methods to do car maintenance in the summer and fall season

Adjust the concentration of oil
Seasonal maintenance time, but also to look at the concentration of particular issues automobile oil. Professional advice in the selection of the engine oil, need to take into account the conversion issue season. Because oil viscosity with temperature change, the viscosity becomes high in winter, summer, the viscosity becomes low. Therefore transformation occurs at a temperature, when the weather is cold you can use lower viscosity oil.

Concerned about tire wear condition
Fall season, automobile maintenance first thing to note tires. Especially before eleven travel, more should pay attention to the "health" of the tire. Because the hot summer weather, tires due to the high temperature friction and wear will be relatively large, it will crack. Driving, crack increases. Therefore, owners should pay particular attention to the situation to see whether the check tire wear appear serious to ensure road safety.

Clean air filter
Vehicle air-conditioning routine cleaning cycle is once every six months, but when the season is the best time to dust. After a summer of use, air filter odor may occur if the filter can be removed by washing with water, simple and economical. But if the activated carbon material, you cannot use this method. In addition, the air-conditioning blower should dust.

Clean interior
A long summer, laying carpet and inside flooring, cushions and other interior seat on the car as well as some of the dead may be covered with dust, the breeding of various types of bacteria. Under the catalysis of summer sun, the dust is relatively easy to produce odor; once cold days, the car windows closed, the air inside begins to become cloudy, odors and bacteria will constitute a human health hazard. At the time of the season as the vehicle can do a steam sauna, photo catalytic disinfection clean?

Some Auto diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 Diagun III, Launch X-431 PAD, Autel MaxiDas DS708 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/best-4-methods-to-do-car-maintenance-in-the-summer-and-fall-season/


Best 5 Ways to Save Money on Gas for Your Car

For increasingly soaring oil prices, some of the economic strength is not strong young owners, helpless sigh, "cannot afford" In fact, if a little attention in the daily driving habits, maintenance, can often save a lot of fuel consumption, reporter summed up five strokes coup nowadays more popular fuel for your reference.

Less than 10 minutes travel time
Driving style affects the car's fuel consumption. Maintain well driving habits, not only can reduce the wear and tear, and can save fuel. Gentle driving slow acceleration anticipating the brakes then can avoid panic stop.

In addition, the travel time should be done to minimize short trips. Less than 10 minutes of short-haul travel is not only a waste of fuel, but the car is very negative, because the engine is no chance to really heat up, which will cause condensation engines. When the iron, the oxygen and water are mixed to produce rust and rust is detrimental to the car.

Select suitable lubricant
High quality oil can protect the engine is very easy to understand, but the quality of the oil can reduce fuel consumption, I am afraid not many people know. In regard to the use of lubricants in different seasons using a suitable lubricant can reduce fuel consumption.

Do not blindly choose high-viscosity oil, so make engine friction increases, some loss of engine power, thereby increasing fuel consumption.

In addition, select the lubricant is to strike a balance between the protection of the engine and fuel-efficient. According to the standard given by the manufacturer and car use environment to select the proper lubricant is order to achieve the best results.

Hot cars of the time not too long
Some owners prefer to name the morning after the car parked hot car, this is a good habit, but it is undoubtedly a warm-up for too long trying to find fault with their pocketbook. In fact, as long as the engine is able to achieve a stable and normal idle speed can be driving up.

In addition, in fact, you can let the car slowly driving twelve kilometers to reach the warm-up effect.

Air temperature should be appropriate
Automotive air conditioning energy from the engine, turn on the air of course will increase fuel consumption, however, is able to achieve rational use of car air-conditioning cooling effect, while allowing fuel consumption to a minimum. Energy-saving household air temperature is 24 degrees Celsius, the car is the same.

Some owners believe that the air conditioning to the lowest temperature of the cooling effect of the best, in fact, this is a misunderstanding. The result is the lowest temperature to allow the inside temperature reaches 16 or 18 degrees Celsius, but this is not necessarily a comfortable temperature, and the compressor work the longest, is the most fuel approach.

Develop good driving habits
Many car owners driving time are "impatient", often wanton throttle will make the engine speed is too high and thus increase fuel consumption; rather mad brakes are applied to push the car forward makes the kinetic energy into heat on the brakes become useless.

Meanwhile, frequent lane changes driving style also make longer mileage vehicles, will increase fuel consumption. So usually develop good driving habits can reduce the useful work done to further reduce fuel consumption.

Some car diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 Pro3, Launch X431 Diagun III, Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/best-5-ways-to-save-money-on-gas-for-your-car/


Winter Vehicle Common Problems and Solutions

Note one:
Easy winter frost fog, low visibility, particularly rear-ends accidents. Lights must be working, especially fog lights, brake light, which is the winter traffic safety protection.

Treatment: Once the black headlight bulbs to replace as soon as possible, but also to check the fog lights, brake lights of the case, to promptly clean after dirty, especially headlights and fog lights should wipe clean.

Note two:
After the cold winters the number of vehicles to be reduced scrub. Body waxing is a must, after waxing the body is not easy to wet, icy winter difficult phenomenon. Rinse with cold water in winter cannot be directly vehicles, higher front car after the engine warming temperatures, rapid cooling with cold water, to paint the negative, but not directly wash engines.

Note three:
Winter tire rubber hard and relatively brittle, friction coefficient decreases, winter tires should pay attention to skills.

Treatment: tire pressure is not too high, but more cannot be too low, low external temperatures, the tire pressure is too low, soft tires serious can accelerate aging. Always clean up winter inclusions within the tread try to avoid using up over more than two tires, but also to replace the larger tire wear. Tire wear different degree of internal and external, to ensure the safety of reducing wear, the tire should be periodically change position.

Note four:
Fear battery temperature, low temperature environment is much lower capacity battery capacity than normal temperature. Low temperatures will significantly reduce battery capacity, so for not maintenance-free batteries, if used for a long time, the battery should be sent to the repair shop for a thorough charge.

Treatment: Before the advent of the cold season, they should supplement battery electrolyte, the electrolyte adjusting the proportion of good, while cleaning the battery terminals and apply special grease to protect and ensure reliable starting and prolong battery life.

It should be noted that, due to the cold weather, the engine oil viscosity increases, before you start the engine, open switches the engine warm-up, re-ignition is started. If the vehicle is not easy to start the best start again every 30 seconds or so, avoid continuous ignition, preventing the spark plug too wet, the motor burned or battery power is exhausted. When you start the vehicle in order to save power, it is best to open other electrical ignition device.

Some car diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 V Pro, Launch X431 Pro3, Autel MaxiDas DS708 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/winter-vehicle-common-problems-and-solutions/


How to use OBDII scanner measure your output right

Automobile shock absorber is used in the process of wearing parts, shock absorbers work is good or bad, will directly affect the stability and other parts of the life of cars so we should make the shock absorbers are often in good working condition. Use obd2 scanner can test the shock absorbers work is good.

1, so that cars on the road in poor condition after driving 10km road parking, touch shell shock absorber, if not hot enough, indicating no resistance inside the shock absorber, shock absorbers do not work. At this point, you can add the appropriate oil, then test, if the housing fever, shock absorbers, compared with an internal oil, should add enough oil; otherwise, indicating shock absorber failure.

2, press firmly on the bumper, and then release, if the car has 2 to 3 times jump, then the shock absorbers work well.

3, when the car is slowly driving and emergency braking, if the car more violent vibration indicating a problem with the shock absorber.

4, remove the shock absorber to be upright, and the lower end of the connecting ring clamp on the vise, pull compression damping lever several times, then there should be a stable resistance, pull up (recovery) should be greater than the resistance to resistance when under pressure, such as resistance to unstable or no resistance, it may be short of oil or internal shock absorber valve parts damage should be repaired or replaced parts.

In determining the shock absorbers have a problem or failure; it should first check whether the shock absorber oil spills or traces of old oil spills.

Seal gaskets, gasket rupture damaged oil storage cylinder head nut loose. May be oil seals, seal washers failure, should be replaced with new seals. If you still can not eliminate leakage, shock absorbers should be pulled out, if they feel there is no issuer or the severity of the moment, and further examination clearance between the piston and cylinder is too large, whether the damper piston rod bent piston rod cylinder surface and if there is scratched or pull marks.

If there is no leakage phenomenon shock absorbers, shock absorbers should check the connection pins, connecting rods, connecting hole, rubber, bushings and other damage, sealing off, break or fall off place. If these were normal, it should be further decomposed shock absorbers, check with the gap between the piston and cylinder is too large cylinder with or without strain, the valve seal is good, valves and valve seat are tight fitting and minus Zhen's done spring is too soft or broken, take grinding repair or replace parts of the way under the circumstances.

In addition, the shock absorber in actual use will be issued by the sound of failure, which is mainly due to the shock absorbers and springs, frame or shaft collision damage or loss, and shock absorber pad dust tube deformation, oil lack of other causes, reasons should be identified, to be repaired.

After the shock absorber during the inspection repair should be carried out in a special test bench performance test, when resistance frequencies 100 ±1mm, its resistance to stretching and compression stroke shall comply with the provisions, indicating damper normal.

Some Auto diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P, Launch X431 V Pro, Launch X-431 PAD and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/how-to-use-obd2-scanner-measure-your-output-right/


6 tips to maintenance your car during the summer

Summer and autumn, the seasons change, car repair also will naturally become the focus, and then in the autumn maintenance, the owner should pay particular attention to what? To this end, the reporter interviewed car maintenance division, hoping to make professional advice during the fall when the majority of owners of vehicles of conservation can be targeted more efficiently.

1, car external maintenance
More rain in summer and autumn, rain acidic substances, strong sunlight, can cause corrosion and oxidation paint, not promptly treated, over time, the car will lose luster finish. Meanwhile, the dust in the air and on the road, mud and rain also easy to stick together in the body of the vehicle, it is easy to make the body dirty, for the car to do a from cleaning, polishing to waxing, sealing glaze or coating and a series of beauty care even if the sand more of the autumn season, the car will still be bright as new surface. If you want to paint care system, you need to be professional and regular maintenance, many shops do not have the professional level, if you use a towel containing sediment particles, will cause damage to the finish, and this damage in a short time it is difficult to see out of.

In addition, if the car has obvious surface scratches, paint treatment should be done in order to avoid scratches and rust damp parts. In addition, the owners also do not ignore the doors and windows of Polystyrene on maintenance, because the appearance of the rubber body temperature after baking summer usually occurs in varying degrees of aging.

2, chassis systems
As the saying goes, "the first car rotten bottom", in addition to the tires but also attach importance to check on the chassis. Experienced a summer rainfall and wading driving, autumn maintenance focuses on car chassis rust areas. Chassis metal material after hot weather and rain, "torn" later, prone to rust phenomenon, affecting traffic safety, therefore, must be on the chassis rust treatment and check if there are scratches chassis, screw off and so on.

3, the brake system
Regular replacement of brake fluid, check the brakes, avoiding reach the wear limit, causing a safety hazard. Check the brake has not changed often weak, deviation, pedaling efforts have not changed the brake pedal, the need to replace the brake pads, depending on whether the remaining thickness and uniform wear, brake force is balanced, etc., found the problem immediately resolved.

4, battery maintenance
Summer temperatures experienced test, maintenance battery system is also very important. Today, many car owners to install more and more electrical equipment, such as a trip computer, car refrigerator, subwoofer, etc., on the battery system requirements are also increasing. For this reason, professionals recommend, owners try not to use these car electrical equipment, so as to avoid excessive battery consumption. Also, check the electrode wiring at any time there are no exceptions, because bad habits will greatly shorten the battery life.

5, air conditioning maintenance
Frequent use of car air-conditioning in summer, the owners generally in use and there are some errors: If the car into the open air, will increase the engine operating pressure, reduce engine life; air conditioning running total in the low block, inhalation of dust will accumulate bacteria, hazardous to their health; time to open the inner loop, causing the vehicle air pollution and so on. Close the window open air for a long time, it will cause a lot of bacteria gather in the compartment, plus air-conditioning duct condensate accumulation, will breed mold. So, into the fall to do a thorough clean-up and maintenance of the air conditioning system is particularly important.

6, tire maintenance
Car tires are "feet" in vehicle safety driving, it plays an important role, and our data show that in highway traffic fatalities, 70% were caused by tire problems, so for tires maintenance must not be ignored. Fall due to relatively low temperatures, rubber is easy to harden and appear more brittle, not only will reduce the coefficient of friction, but also easier to leak even rolling tires, tire maintenance time to check whether there is a significant trauma, scratches, etc., make up the pressure, hit the specified range, while frequent cleaning inclusions within the tire pattern.

In addition, with the fall of the temperature gradually decreased, gas expansion and contraction will cause insufficient tire pressure within the tire. Therefore, a timely vehicle to check tire pressure condition and avoid inadequate tire pressure caused by abnormal wear. Recommendations to the 4S shop or professional service points do a comprehensive inspection, maintenance cycle and understand its real-time status. If the tread is too shallow or rubber hard and brittle is need to timely maintenance and replacement.

Some car diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch Creader DIY, Launch X431 V Pro, Autel MaxiDas DS708 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/6-tips-to-maintenance-your-car-during-the-summer/